Courage = Commitment ÷ Fear
Everyone has courage. Not everyone generates the right amount of courage to take the actions that move them forward.
Low or no commitment, in the presence of fear? Courage is in deficit.
The right amount of commitment, even in the presence of fear? You see courage at work.
Courage = Commitment ÷ Fear
Commitment makes us go all in. Commitment leads us to take action in spite of situations. When we go all in on something, fear can’t hold us back.
Whenever fear outweighs our commitment, courage dwindles. It’s not absent, only insufficient.
We embodied the concept of fear as we grew. Fear was a life-saving program running on our human OS for many generations. Right now, it’s not as useful as it used to be.
We have courageous conversations because our commitment to the person outweighs the fear of being misunderstood, or fear of breaking the relationship.
We take action that others see as courageous because our commitment outweighs fear.
Each time fear props its head, we can remember that courage and its cousin, fearlessness, are within reach.