Circles of trust
I trust Tyler Cowen with finding unexplored spaces and hidden talent. I don’t trust him yet to get his recommendations on which laundry service I should give my clothes to.
I trust Seth Godin to remind me of things that don’t change and the importance of respect and permission. Not his recommendation on what gift I should get for my partner.
I don’t trust bootstrapping advice from someone who never bootstrapped. Although I can trust their perspective on other areas of building an organisation that works.
I can trust the expertise of a neurosurgeon, and still decide against going into a joint venture with her.
There are a few people I don’t trust with execution yet, but can always go out on a limb to get their strategic point of view.
Do you get the gist, now?
“S/he’s not a trustworthy person” may not be a completely true statement, until you add the context of what area of competence you are referring to.
Almost everyone has an area where they are trustworthy. You are no exception.
Build out your circle of trust, no matter how small it is. Be the most credible within that circle.
And when you wish, expand the size of the circle. Or add more circles.
Trust is relative. When it is earned, it compounds.