Your daily invitation to dance
You’ve been called to join the dance every day.
Not the one at the ball. Not the one at the club.
The one that happens with every conversation you are involved in.
Every conversation is a dance.
You take a step and the other reciprocates.
You dance over how to start the conversation.
You dance over what to say first, and who says what.
You dance over matching the intent of the other based on your understanding of their need.
You dance over what to talk about, how long to talk about it, and when to move on to another topic.
You dance over making decisions together, so everyone wins.
You dance. And dance. And dance.
Sometimes, the dance is simple. Other times, it’s complicated.
Before every conversation is a dance. This dance is where we decide what we want to talk about, and how we should talk about it. Do we start with a preamble, a joke, or a question? And how will the other perceive and receive it?
The dance is happening either you are aware or not. With or without your conscious approval.
Now, you can join the dance with some awareness. You can choose which invitation to accept and which to ignore.
And you can choose to enjoy the dance.