Making Your Days Here Count!
Exactly a week ago, I was sharing with some emerging leaders from across Nigeria, Ghana, Republic de Benin, and Togo on 'Integral Leadership' at the #Studership 2.0 Leadership Summit (Pictures here).
I was delighted at the radiation of 'senses' of commitment as we exchanged ideas, on personal growth and leadership development - revolving around vision, values, ethics, passion for continuous learning, and understanding purpose.
Like we do remind ourselves, that in everything we do, we (un)consciously sign our autographs. Make the unconscious conscious; what do you do to sign your autograph? Where/How do you sign it? It isn't compulsory the autographs are conspicuous, but just MAKE YOUR DAYS HERE COUNT!
Later next week, we shall be having a guest post, related to the theme of leaving positive autographs, starting from the person sitting beside you.
Till then, I will be glad to read from you, with much love!
Keep growing, keep leading!