Getting the Best Out of the New Year
We have flipped the calendar to another year, how might we get the best out of this year? I'll share seven approaches for getting the best out of the year, together.
Choose a theme Your theme is like your minimum viable resolution for that year. I know some have seen new year resolutions as a glorified 'To Do' list that is set aside by the second week in February. In place of a list of things you wish to do, choose a singular theme for the year.
My theme for 2016 was growth. That of 2017 is exponential growth. Don't crucify me; I have an insatiable thirst for growth. I may choose other themes for other years, but this is more important to me.
What's your theme for this year?
Plan for the Upcoming Year It might sound 'somehow', but one of the best approaches for getting the best out of this year is to plan towards the next. If you've written some things you plan to accomplish next year, what must you do this year to make things easier and more productive?
Invest in relationships This is as important as every other thing. Relationship is key. Build a community of people you want to learn from, share with, ideate and grow together. Invest in your relationship with them. Don't withdraw from the relationship account when you haven't saved in it.
Get an accountability partner This just flows from the previous. Get a person or group of people to serve as your accountability partner(s).
Seek opportunities Look for happiness and opportunities in each day. When you find them, harness them. Spread the love among those within your growth circle.
Build, break and build again (fast) Don't be afraid to try out new things. Build things that matter. If (or when) things break, learn from it and build again. Explore as much as you can.
Improve your capacity to out-learn your previous self Build skills. In this and future century, leadership, creativity, intuition, empathy, and social / cultural intelligence are important skills that must be built and harnessed.
Start today. Each day in this year is an empty page. What will you write in it? Let's write a best seller.