Pick me
What would you do if you were not waiting to be picked?
What if you didn’t need approval or permission to begin, or to continue?
Getting picked is beautiful. You get rewarded by a platform. You get the admiration of peers. And if you are lucky, it propels you to do work that matter.
We all can build what it takes to do great work, to solve problems for society and be torchbearers of progress.
The hurdle is that many postpone these efforts until we are selected.
How would you show up in your work, if you already feel seen, feel safe, validated and understood?
Imagine what can happen if we no longer waited in the shadows obscuring the threshold of our own agency and did that thing we’ve always wanted to do, not for the accolade, but for the symphony of the soul that demands to be played.
Go do that thing. Create. Act. Lead. Show us what’s possible.
What’s stopping you?