Stop justing
Justing is the habit of telling yourself that just one tweak could solve all of your problems*. But it’s a false assumption.
You think if only you had the right makeup, if only you found the right partner, if only you found the right company, if you just had the best investors or operators, your world would change for good.
In your world, you are right on the cusp of something better, waiting for that one little push that will miraculously turn everything around.
The reality is that there is no one tweak that changes it all. It’s a combination of several tweaks. I’m a proponent of Gary Keller’s ‘one thing philosophy’, I believe that you should find the one thing that if done well will make other things either better or unnecessary. However, I know that that one thing is rarely enough.
*PS: I like this definition from the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows.