What should we teach kids
Most of what we have to ‘teach’ kids is to solve interesting problems and lead (themselves and others) well.
The rest can either be automated or delegated.
A caveat: the best word to describe this isn’t ‘teach’, if teach were to mean a top-down passage of knowledge. By ‘teach’, I mean nudge, mentor, support, and reward.
Support their curiosity about finding interesting problems, no matter how small those problems are. Support their freedom to take risks, to approach the edges, to do interesting.
Support their adventure in forming and nurturing their relationships with other human beings. And especially the relationship with themselves.
Yes, we can show them what’s possible by surrounding them with stories of those who have been here and done interesting things.
Yes, we can help them see the world a little more clearer, and help them build resilience that pierces through the noise.
But the rest of that journey is up to them. No age is too young or too old for these lessons. Solve interesting problems. Lead yourself and others well.