“You Only Die Once...”
That’s my iteration of the modern aphorism, YOLO, meaning ‘you only live once’.
I don’t subscribe to this. I believe that you live every day you choose to live. Not once, but daily - if you choose.
YODO, on the other hand, isn’t a finality. Rather, it invites us to complete that statement.
You only die once… (you fill in the gap).
You only die once… you stop living.
You only die once…you give up on your dream.
You only die once…you stop caring.
You only die once…(complete this with what seems true for you).
Ultimately, you only die once…you are either legally or biologically dead. As with cryonics, dying isn’t a single event, but a process.
Until then, you can live multiple lifetimes over several decades, building, learning, growing, and doing great things with love in each. The secret is in living - truly living - every day.