Your most important relationship
What is the important relationship in your life?
I’d say it’s the relationship you have with yourself. It’s the longest relationship you’ll have in your whole life.
The health of all other relationships is based on how healthy you are in relating to yourself.
"Your relationships will rarely be healthier than your self-esteem.
If the time you spend alone is already enjoyable to some degree—that is, if you have a healthy internal monologue and generally feel good about yourself—then you will have a fairly high bar for the type of relationships you'll enter.
But if you're unhappy with yourself, then you are more likely to put up with bad relationships because they may occasionally make you feel better than you do alone. If you want a great relationship, the first thing you want is to be comfortable with yourself."
Those words are James Clear’s, and I agree with him.
PS: A newfound friend, Joachim, hosts a beautiful podcast called Relating to Self. It’s worth listening to.