Freedom from geographies
For a long time, humans have been prisoners of geographies.
We've been bound by time zones, and visa laws, and the physical realities of seasons.
We cede and claim territories to and from one another. We compete for resources on Earth and in space.
We limit access to those who don't identify with any place. Those who are stateless.
The breakthrough happens when we approach ourselves not as placeholders of where we've been. Not as defenders of the passports we hold. But as siblings living across boundaries.
We can explore space without making countermoves - secretly preparing for a day we may come against one another.
We can align our technologies to benefit everyone, anywhere.
Sure, we can build connection points in digital and metaphysical spaces. We can redefine what it means to connect now by being async.
We can also revisit our relationship with the land(s) where we live, and work, and play.
Geography, as we know it today, is a social construct. So can our freedom from it.
Read this from the beginning one more time. This time, narrow it down to your current experiences. Think micro instead of macro.