Plurality is near
One of the most significant things in the future isn’t just the singularity. It’s what we all do with the tools and technologies we have, and how we use them to solve our most important problems. How we use them to connect with one another and honour one another. How we see ourselves and the world more clearly, and make less silly and more useful decisions. How we thrive and flourish either because of, or in spite of them.
It’s how as humans, we show up, build trust, and do good work. How we create because it sings to our hearts and hugs our spirits. How we dream, and nurture, and live. How we each make our lives count for something.
And how we mold power to reside in your hands, and that of majority, not just a few corporations. Especially the power to decide what’s best for you, in a way that’s best for others. 8 billion people flourishing, not 8 people deciding who does.
Yes, getting AI right is very important.1 But enabling humans to show up with courage, and integrity, and create something meaningful over and again - something that influences others to flourish? That’s equally important. If not more.
And that’s the plurality I seek.
this is a subject I’m curious about, and have the privilege to contribute to.