I printed out these words a while ago, to remind myself of the most simple form of agency we have as humans.
“Being a flourishing human being is an act of perpetual self-authorisation.
No matter who you are.
Only you can authorise yourself.
You do that by be-ing well, by constant discovery.
No one else can authorise you.
No one.
This doesn’t happen overnight.
It’s as gradual as the improvement in your living.”
It’s my adaptation of a sentence from Verlyn Klinkenborg’s book about writing1. In his version, you’ll find ‘writer’ where I wrote ‘flourishing human being’, ‘writing well’ instead of ‘be-ing well’ and ‘writing’ instead of ‘living’.
It’s an interesting approach not only for writing, but creating anything at all - a body of work, a company, a family, and a life worth living.
I like the book and recommend it.