The best solution
The best solution is one that gets you where you want. The one that moves you closer to becoming who you want to be in the world.
Sometimes, you can see the direct link between the solution and what you are solving for. Many other times, it follows an indirect path.
Wherever you see so many solutions to a problem, it shows that the problem is real. One solution isn't the single best solution ever. Each is the best solution for a kind of person.
When faced with unlimited alternatives, we often don't have the time, information or patience to find the single best solution. Neither do we want to. At that point, we narrow our options and choose something that's good enough. Something that gets us where we want to be.
What if we had unlimited time? What if you had a guarantee that this is a simulation and you still have two extra lives?
We don't. But if we did, the odds are we'll choose something different. We still can.
When we can't afford to make a mistake, the best solution isn't doing something that has an higher probability of working. That's still guessing.
Instead, the best solution may be any that removes the threat and ‘doom’ that comes with making a mistake. De-risk, then decide. That makes it easier to see the situation clearer, think of a better way to approach it, and choose differently.
Even if it doesn't end up working.