Serving the title
Titles are always for rental. We rent them for a period, and when we are done, we return them for someone else to rent.
The titles - from CEO, COO, Chief Designer, team leader, to chief janitor - have been rented to you for a while. Once the terms of rental is over, so is the liberty that comes with it.
We rent titles to confirm what has inherently been there - responsibility, duty, and ownership. Those will remain long after the titles expire. In the right environment, they are more important than the titles we rent.
When we transform the role and title into platforms for delivering on promises and serving others, we leave people flourishing better than we met them. And that’s always worth it.
It’s best to make the titles align with who we are becoming, rather than trying to make the title we are.
It’s never about the role, it’s more about the experience.